Thursday, November 17, 2011

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment 
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Maximum Ride:The Angel Experiment
20 min.
Page: 164-185
Character: ""Jerk," said Nudge." If I was a mutant freak like Max, I would have taken as much money from the guy's credit card too. Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, and Gazzy were hiding in some bushes when a car rolled up. The man started yelling some stuff outside of the window, "Veins practically popping out of his neck, the jerk leaned out his window and yelled a bunch of swear words, including a new one I tucked away in my brain for future use, if necessary." After a minute or two, a big, black truck pulled up very close to the man's car. When the window rolled down, the flock saw that it was Ari in the truck. They both drove off really fast and the guy left his card in the slot. They walked up to it and took as much money as they could in one time. The card then spit out for them and they ran off. I also would have hidden when the first car pulled up because I didn't know who was in it and what I looked like to them. I might have run off entirely when the first car pulled up though. Since I wouldn't have known who was in it, I would have run off so none of the other flock members would have been taken like Angel had. I would still be grieving over the loss and not knowing if she was already dead or if they were going to torture her first. I couldn't imagine losing someone that I have lived with for six years. We are alike when we think about things but not alike in reactions or emotions.

Maximum Ride:The Angel Experiment
James Patterson
20 min.
Pg: 186-209
Setting: Ari said, ""It's almost like you don't want to go back to School."". The "School" affect the characters in a good and bad way. The good way is that Max, Fang, and Nudge all find out that Angel is still alive. Max was driving a car through a corn feild to escape from some of the Erasers that had found them. They were just getting onto the road again when they slammed into a sedan. The air bags hit Max and broke her nose, the pasanger seat air bag hit Fang, but his seat belt was the thing that did the most damage to him. It left a mark on his neck. In the back seat, Nudge hit her forehead on the back of Fang's seat and had a bruise, Iggy said he felt like pudding that was in great pain, and Gazzy felt sick. The windows were being smashed by Erasers that were in the sudan and the Erasers popped open the doors. Max yelled at the others to run after she had been yanked out and was being forced to the ground. Fang and Nudge were also caught, but Iggy and Gazzy got out. An Eraser was firing some shots at them but they managed to get away without being shot. The other three were taken back to the "School" where they found both surprises. Angel was alive, and so was Jeb. Jeb had been the one who helped them escape from the "School" in the first place and had disappeared a few months ago. He had gone back to the school to do more tests on other people and that kind of thing. He was back to being the one that doesn't help them escape. Jeb looked Max straight in the eye when he said, ""Maximum Ride," said Jeb Batchelder. "Oh, I've missed you so much."

Maximum Ride:The Angel Experiment
James Patterson
20 min.
Pg: 210-236
Plot: The biggest conflicts of the section I read today are when Max got major headaches, like migranes only worse, and when Angel told them about how they were taken to the "School". Max was flying in the air, headed for New York, New York with her flock when she suddenly got a major headache and started falling through the sky. Fang caught her and they landed. That night, Angel told them how they went to the school. "Nudge, the doctors told your mom and dad that you . . . died. Iggy, your mom . . . died. Right after you were born. Fang, the doctors told your mom that you died, like Nudge. Your mom was a teenager and they didn't know who the father was, but they said you died. Me and Gazzy, our parents gave us to the school. They wanted to help. They gave us to the school for money. I didn't hear anything about you though Max. I'm really sorry." The next morning, the flock had just taken off and was heading off for the Big Apple. When Max was about ten feet off the ground, she got another headache. "Some unseen force shoved an unseen railroad spike through my skull. I cried out, falling, then smacking into the ground hard enough to knock my breath away. I curled up in a fragile ball of pain, holdign my head, feeling tears drip down my cheeks, trying not to scream. "Max?" Fang's gentle fingers touched my shoulder. "Is it like before?" I couldn't  even nod. It was all I could do to hold my head together so my brains wouldn't splatter all over my friends. A high, keening sound reached my ears. It was me!"

Maximum Ride:The Angel Experiment
James Patterson
20 min.
Pg: 291-316
Theme: The best part of the section I read today is when Max and the rest of the flock walked straight into a group of Erasers. The flock turned and pelted away, but one of the Erasers caught Max by her hair and yanked her back. She was flung over the sholder of the Eraser and taken away. They got pretty far when the Eraser just fell over, dead. Max hit her head so hard, she could see fire works. "My legs were pinned, and I frantically started kicking, scrambling from under him. He didn't move. had he knocked himself out? How? I scrabbled back into a trash can, snapped onto all fours, and stared at the Eraser. He was completely still, his eyes open and glossy. Blood trickeled out of his mouth, which had morphed halfway to a wolf's snout." Angel has been known to say something and change people's minds or make them do something against their will. She yelled something that she knew would kill him and that is why he fell over, dead. He was the seventh of a batch. The Erasers don't last very long either. He was the size of a full grown man and looked like a super model. He was super strong, and only five years old.