Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Alex Rider

Alex Rider: Crocadile Tears

Random color = something to click on!!!!
Alex Rider: Crocodile Tears
30 min.
Page: 1-33
Plot: The most heart stopping thing I read in my book today was that a man named Riv worked at a nuclear power plant in India. He and some other guys had been exchanging things for favors. Riv's thing was money and an i-Pad 2. He would get enough money to take his family to live somewhere else and take his kids to go see Mickey Mouse. All he had to do was set off a bomb and open an emergency exit door to let all of the gas out. He had set the bomb and was questioning if he should do it because it might get tracked back to him. Greed won over and he set the bomb. The people he met with had made the bomb and were convincing him that they had set a time of ten minutes before it would go off. He thought that would be enough time to get out and go to the bathroom. Once there, he could claim to have been in the bathroom when the bomb exploded and he and his family would move and be safe. He set the bomb and hit the activate button. Either that was the fastest ten minutes of my life, or the people had lied to him. He was killed instantly along with five of the other people that he was working with. The people had told him that the bomb would go off in ten minutes and they had lied to him. The nuclear power plant was shut down. Some of the people were shredded with the bits of metal flying around the room and others died due to the gasses that were released into the air. He hadn't forgotten to make sure that the emergency door was open. So as the remaining people filled out, they noticed a bing stream of steam and gas coming from the building. Riv didn't even have time to think about his now, widowed wife, his children, and his children going to see Mickey Mouse.  

Alex Rider : Crocodile tears
Anthony Hrorwitz
25 min.
Page: 34-59
Strategy: The most interesting thing I read in my book today was when Alex Rider, a fourteen-year-old, was gambling with three other adults. Mr. McCain was the owner of the castle they were in and the host of a big party for New Years Eve. Mr. McCain had been so sure that he had won, that he skipped right over Alex and his cards. He had two Jacks in his hand and a third Jack was already laying on the table. Alex told him that he skipped over him and Mr. McCain said, ""Your cards?" McCain blinked. He had forgotten that Alex was even there. He glanced down at the table as if to reasure himself. Nothing could beat four jacks, not with only one ace showing on the table . . . could it? He relaxed. "Do forgive me, Alex," he said. "I should have let you show your cards first. But everyone here would love to see them. What have you got?" Alex waited a moment. He turned over the eight of hearts. And then a ten of hearts. There was a long silence as the truth sank in. Then the audience gasped. The seven of hearts, the nine of hearts, and the jack of hearts were already on the table, faceup. Put them together with Alex's cards and he had a straight flush . . . seven, eight, nine, ten, and jack of hearts. And in the rules of poker, a straight flush beast a four of a kind. Alex had won. "You can cash your chips with the croupier. I bet you must be the richest thirteen-year-old in Scotland right now." "Actually, I'm fourteen," Alex said. "And I don't want the money. You can give it all to First Aid."" First Aid is the charity that McCain had started and Alex wanted the money, but he wanted to be nice to his host and give it all to his charity. 

Alex Rider: Crocodile Tears 
Anthony Horowitz
23 min. 
Page: 60-80
Theme: Three thought on why the author choose this chapter title is that they are face with iminent death, the others had no idea as they sipped on their champaign, and because Edward Pleasure, Sabina's dad, had died, but Alex used both hands on Edwards chest and pressed hard over and over. On the thirteenth time, Edward coughed up water and wsa alive again. Alex, Sabina, and Edward were driving home from the New Years Eve party held by McCain when the car got out of controll and crashed into the lake. Alex and Sabina were okay, little shaken, but okay. Edward was unconcious and pinned against his seat by his air bag. They had mere minutes to get out or suffocate because once the water reaches the air vents they were flowing out of, the water will stop coming in. Alex broke the window, opende the door, got out, went across the roof, opened the driver's side door, popped the air bag, got Edward out, and swam to the surface. Sabina came up right after him and helped swim her dad to shore. Alex was thinking about how they needed to get help, and fast. The fireworks started going and Alex thought about something else. The next point is that the other guests of McCain were probably outside and watching the fireworks saying the usual ooh's and aah's. Yet they were to far away for Alex and Sabina to get to in time. Edward had been unconcious when Alex broke the window and had probably died on the way up. Alex broght him back to life and another man brought all three of them to a hospital as fast as he could, where the three were treated for hypothermia and shock.     
Alex Rider: Crocodile Tears 
Anthony Horowitz
27 min.
Character: I see a lot of similarities wtih Jack, the house keeper and leagel gardian of Alex. She was concerned about Alex, Sabina, and Edward after Alex told her what had happened. She was upset and concerned that he went for a nice New Years Party and ended up being sixty feet below in a loch, which is also like a lake. I would have asked the same questions that she did. "How did it happen? What about the man that helped you?"I wold be curious to know exactly what happened and try to get every detail. I would have check him over to make sure he was okay though. Jack didn't do that. I might also have bought Alex better things than cloths, a hat, and a pair of fake cop sunglasses. I would have probably made Alex stay home the next day, but I don't know him like Jack does. I would have been way to protective and Jack isn't really doing anything but asking questions about him and the others.   

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